
Friday, August 3, 2007

Cosmetic Surgery

Plastic surgery is any surgery performed for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes, and is a voluntary surgery. Many plastic surgery patients believe that their quality of life will be enhanced or improved as a result of plastic surgery.

There are some major differences between the two main categories of plastic surgery. In cases of reconstructive procedures, the patient is generally undergoing plastic surgery to improve function or correct defects. Birth defects, such as cleft palate, may require plastic surgery to treat the physical aspects of the problem as well as the aesthetic issues. Cosmetic plastic surgery reshapes normal body structures to alter the patient’s physical appearance.

Like any other surgery, plastic surgery involves the risk of infection and complications, including the chance of death. Risks associated with plastic surgery can often be avoided through proper patient/doctor communication, and plastic surgery conducted by an accredited surgeon carries a low risk for serious complications. Individuals considering plastic surgery should take the time to fully investigate the benefits and risks associated with plastic surgery, and to select a doctor with whom they are comfortable.

Prior to undergoing plastic surgery, the patient will do a consultation with the physician to discuss the plastic surgery procedure and to ensure that all questions are properly answered. The plastic surgery candidate should discuss their goals and expectations with the doctor, and be sure that plastic surgery will provide them with the desired results. Most of the time, plastic surgery procedures are conducted in a hospital or other medical care facility since a plastic surgery is basically the same as any other surgical procedure.

Following the plastic surgery, there is a period of recovery, which may require a brief period of hospitalization. Most plastic surgery procedures also involve a period of days or weeks before the final results of the plastic surgery are visible; allowing the body to heal, swelling to go down, and scars to reduce. Plastic surgery that does not produce the desired results can generally be corrected with further procedures.

Plastic surgery can help individuals lead happier, more confident lives, but it is important that plastic surgery be an informed decision. If you are considering plastic surgery, you may want to consult a doctor who specializes in plastic surgery procedures to discuss your goals and the possible risks involved.

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